Medicaid Matters: Ensuring a Strong Pediatric Benefit for Kids in Medicaid

Last week I attended a meeting of a new EPSDT Working Group convened by Cindy Mann, Deputy Administrator of CMS and top dog at Medicaid and CHIP. EPSDT stands for Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment – Medicaid’s comprehensive benefit for children —  the definitive standard of pediatric care recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The Working Group includes a range of state Medicaid administrators, providers, children’s advocates, and other experts, and will meet periodically over the next 18 months to come up with ideas for improving the provision of this critical benefit. Many suggestions were thrown on the table – including changing EPSDT’s name – which does not roll easily off the tongue. Other issues raised included updating the periodicity schedule for screenings, figuring out how to ensure access to much needed behavioral health services (especially in the context of managed care and a shortage of community based mental health services) and collecting good data to assess whether or not children are receiving appropriate services.

CCF would welcome any thoughts or suggestions for good models in the provision of EPSDT services and/or other suggestion for improvement and oversight of this important benefit. Please e-mail me at  if you have any ideas!

Joan Alker is the Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families and a Research Professor at the Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy.
