For-Profit MCOs in Minnesota Medicaid: No More Welcome Mat

Like 41 other states, Minnesota requires most of those enrolled in its Medicaid program to receive services through managed care organizations (MCOs).  Unlike most other states, however, Minnesota is in the midst of a policy conversation about whether to move away from managed care toward fee-for-service.  In May 2023, the state legislature directed the Medicaid […]

Strengthened Tool to Address Health-Related Social Needs: The New Medicaid Managed Care Regulation’s “In Lieu of Services” Explained

Medicaid managed care plans have long covered “In Lieu of Services” (ILOS), which are services that are provided in substitution of traditional Medicaid state plan services. For example, a managed care plan might provide a community-based depression screening in lieu of an office visit screening. In 2016, CMS first defined the contours of ILOS in […]

Medicaid Managed Care: Results of the PHE Unwinding for the Big Five in Q1 2024

It’s now been four corporate reporting quarters since the start of the PHE unwinding on April 1, 2023. During that time, net national Medicaid enrollment—the combination of disenrollments from redeterminations, re-enrollment by some of those terminated, and new enrollments—has fallen by 13.1 million, including 5.0 million children. Of the disenrollments, 70 percent have been for […]