Eligibility & Enrollment

Report Finds Child Uninsured Rate Improved in 2022, Warns Progress Under Threat as Eligible Children Lose Coverage During Medicaid Unwinding

This week we were joined by Stacey Pogue, a senior policy analyst with Every Texan and Dr. Valerie Borum Smith, a pediatrician and President-Elect of the Texas Society of Pediatricians to release our annual report on child health coverage trends. Our report showed the number of uninsured children declined in 2022 to one of the […]

North Carolina and Hawaii Make 10: States Advancing Medicaid/CHIP Multi-Year Continuous Eligibility for Young Children

It’s hard to keep up with the rapid progress in the number of states seeking federal approval to adopt multi-year continuous coverage for children covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Since we last took stock, North Carolina and Hawaii have proposed 1115 waivers to adopt continuous eligibility for children from birth […]

Update on Medicaid Unwinding and Marketplace Enrollment

I previously reported that according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), of the 715,000 Medicaid beneficiaries who lost Medicaid coverage in April due to unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection, a total of about 54,000 people or 7.5 percent — who were either previously enrolled in Medicaid in March […]

Legislative Roundup: Eight states now committed to multi-year continuous eligibility for young children as Colorado, Minnesota and Ohio pass new legislation

The unwinding continues to dramatically showcase children’s loss of health care despite the fact that most likely remain eligible. Amid the worse-than-expected disenrollments among children due to red tape and insufficient communication, one bright spot is that more states are seeking CMS approval to reduce administrative burden on families by adopting 2-to-5 year continuous eligibility […]