Eligibility & Enrollment

Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Waiver Proposal Does Not Impress

  Last Friday, Governor Corbett’s Administration released it’s Section 1115 waiver application draft. This initiates the process for the required 30-day state comment period that must precede the submission of the waiver request to the federal government. The state will be holding a series of public hearings and webinars with the final hearing in Harrisburg […]

Iowa Medicaid Expansion Waiver Approved!

Just in time for Christmas, and more importantly in time to get the program up and running by January 1st, federal CMS has granted Iowa’s request for two Section 1115 waivers to allow the state to pursue its own version of Medicaid expansion. This is good news for the more than 100,000 Iowans who stand […]

Translating Eligibility and Enrollment Lingo

My colleagues just released a helpful update on state progress in creating more consumer-friendly eligibility and enrollment systems.  If you’re like me, when reading Medicaid eligibility terms like “MAGI conversion” and “flat file,” your mind wanders to a foreign money exchange or even a children’s book character—yes, the omnipresent Flat Stanley—rather than focusing on people […]