Eligibility & Enrollment

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

By Jocelyn Guyer The nation has made significant progress in covering children, but nine million children still lack insurance and many more are at risk of not receiving the health care services that they need to develop and grow properly. To address these issues, children will need to be an integral part of the much […]

Reading the Tea Leaves on Health Reform

Last week, work on health care reform began in earnest on Capitol Hill. Senators Kennedy and Baucus (the Chairman of the Senate Health Education and Labor Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, respectively) began the week by issuing a joint letter about their intent to move health care reform bills, by the end […]

Family Coverage: Covering Parents Along with Their Children

While much progress has been made over the last decade in lowering the rate of uninsured children, the uninsured rate for parents remains significantly higher than for their children—and it has been growing rather than declining. States, however, can take steps similar to those that have been taken on behalf of children to expand coverage […]