Eligibility & Enrollment

Reaching Eligible but Uninsured Children in Medicaid and SCHIP

One of the most important steps a state can take to provide health coverage to its children is to reach uninsured children who already qualify for Medicaid or the SCHIP. Some six million children who are uninsured qualify for the two programs, representing close to seven in ten of all uninsured children. The vast majority […]

Program Design Snapshot: State Buy-in Programs for Children

Child buy-in programs allow families with incomes in excess of a state’s Medicaid/SCHIP eligibility levels to purchase insurance for their children through the public plan. This short brief reviews state child buy-in programs, and provides an overview of issues that states must consider when implementing a program. It shows that while enrollment in the programs […]

Building on a Solid Foundation: Medicaid’s Role in a Reformed Health Care System

By Martha Heberlein Health care reform is once again a front and center issue – at the White House and in the halls of Congress, in state capitols and corporate boardrooms, and around kitchen tables across America. Covering the uninsured, reigning in health care costs, and obtaining better quality and value for our health care […]

Washington State: Coverage to All Children

Beginning in February 2009, Washington began enrolling children with family incomes up to 300 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) in its new Apple Health for Kids program.  The implementation of this expansion is only the most recent phase of a comprehensive effort to cover all children that began over 2 years ago when […]