Enrollment Assistance

Enrollment in Healthcare.Gov Exceeds Expectations

Today the Obama Administration announced that more than 7 million people had signed up for health insurance through healthcare.gov. This exceeds projections made by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office made before the famously troubled website rolled out last fall. I hope this good news will get as much coverage as the saturation coverage the website’s […]

A Limited Extension for Insurance Enrollment: Precedents from Medicare Part D

 On March 25, the Administration created a grace period that will extend the March 31 Marketplace enrollment deadline for Americans who have run into roadblocks in their attempts to sign up for insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  Various reporters and commenters have pointed to parallels with decisions made in 2006 around the first enrollment period for Medicare Part […]

New Tools to Help Consumers Compare Health Plans

By Christine Monahan Over the last several months, faculty and staff at CHIR and their sister Center, Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families (CCF), have been providing support and technical assistance to navigators and others assisting consumers with enrollment in the new health insurance Marketplaces.* While the enrollment process can be tricky at multiple steps, […]