

Decisions, Decisions: ACOs in Medicaid

By Tara Mancini Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been in vogue for some time when it comes to coordinating care for Medicare patients; however, it is a relatively novel ideal for managing Medicaid populations.  The populations covered by Medicaid differ vastly from that of Medicare, and therefore Medicaid ACOs require some different practices. A new […]

State Budget Woes? Take a Look at Revenues, Not Medicaid

By Martha Heberlein For those regular Say Ahhh! readers, you know we have long harped on accurately depicting the role of Medicaid in state budgets. When new data are released, we update our report or write another blog to try to correct a misrepresentation that Medicaid is solely responsible for state budget woes. Today we are releasing a […]

Ryan Budget – Same Old Tune

and Martha Heberlein House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released a budget plan we’re guessing will sound pretty familiar to you as it looks much like the plan he released last year. It would convert Medicaid to a block grant, deeply slashing federal funding by $810 billion over the next ten years (bigger than the […]