Unwinding Wednesday #9: CMS Should Add the Unwinding Supplemental Data to the Medicaid Performance Indicators

In last week’s Unwinding Wednesday blog, my colleague Allie Gardner noted that CMS is requiring states to provide supplemental data for monitoring the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection. These data are in addition to the performance indicator data that states have been required to submit monthly since 2013. But … the supplemental data […]

Unwinding Wednesday #6: Communications Toolkits Offer a Variety of Messages and Materials to Help Mitigate Coverage Losses

This week on Unwinding Wednesday, we are digging into the communications materials and toolkits found on our 50-state Unwinding Tracker – arguably one of the most critical elements of the tracker for ensuring individuals with Medicaid coverage are adequately prepared for the unwinding. The development of comprehensive communications materials by state Medicaid agencies is vital […]

Unwinding Wednesday #5: Application Processing Times Provide Insight into State Capacity to Manage the Medicaid Workload

In last month’s Unwinding Webinar Part 9, we covered the performance indicator and supplemental unwinding data that will be helpful in monitoring the impact of unwinding the Medicaid continuous coverage protection at the end of the public health emergency (PHE). I often talk about call center statistics being the canary in the coal mine. But […]