American Academy of Pediatrics and Georgetown University CCF Urge PHE Extension to Protect Children from Losing Medicaid Health Coverage

In an opinion piece for The Hill, American Academy of Pediatrics President Dr. Moira Szilagyi and Georgetown University Center for Children and Families Executive Director Joan Alker explain why it is so critical for the Biden administration to continue the public health emergency beyond July 15. An estimated 7 million children nationwide are at considerable risk […]

HHS and CMS Request FCC Opinion on Text Messaging by Contractors and MCOs

HHS Secretary Becerra and CMS Administrator Brooks-LaSure have formally asked for an opinion from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding whether certain text messages and automated, pre-recorded telephone calls to individuals’ cell phones are permissible under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Prior rulings from the FCC have confirmed that neither federal nor state governments […]

Lessons from the Pandemic: Children’s Coverage Improvements

As readers of SayAhhh! know, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment is at an all-time high with close to 86 million people – covering half of the country’s children. Children and adults on Medicaid are protected by the continuous coverage provision including in the Families First Act (link to explainer) that prevents states from disenrolling anyone involuntarily. […]