What is the impact of unwinding on Medicaid enrollment?

The analysis on this page is part of a larger suite of Medicaid unwinding data. Please visit our “Unwinding the PHE” landing page to view more.

The state-level charts below track enrollment changes in total Medicaid and child Medicaid enrollment. Some states cover all children in Medicaid and other states with separate CHIP programs report combined Medicaid and CHIP child enrollment, both of which will be footnoted. CCF will continually update these charts as additional state data become available and will add CMS reported data for states that do not post state-level enrollment. The gold column represents enrollment in the month we consider to be that state’s enrollment baseline – the month prior to when the state processed its first disenrollments. Blank spaces indicate that state data has not yet been released. Light blue columns represent enrollment in the months after the state reported it expected to complete unwinding-related renewals. For more in-depth data by state, including percent change and state rankings, click here.

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