CMS Ready for Questions on CHIPRA

By Joe Touschner

While some are already celebrating the success of CHIP reauthorization in covering millions more kids, if you’re reading this blog, you probably realize that the number of questions raised by the new law rivals the number of children that need coverage. The law provides states with enough information to move forward on many fronts, but as they do, questions will inevitably come up. For instance, how will CMS determine whether states meet the “5 of 8” policies required for the Medicaid performance bonus?

In a recent State Health Official letter, CMS announced an e-mail address where it will accept many of these questions. The inbox at CMSOCHIPRAQuestions@cms.hhs.gov is reportedly ready to receive inquiries regarding the reauthorization act. While we’re not sure just when answers will be forthcoming, it’s a good sign that CMS is open to questions from those who will be putting CHIPRA to work.