Substantial Majority of Americans Report Family Budget Worries Outweigh Federal Budget Concerns in Health Reform

Families Cutting Back Spending Because of High Health Care Costs, Poll Finds

(Washington, D.C.) – A new survey released today by the nonpartisan Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF) reveals Americans—by a two-to-one margin—are more concerned about making health coverage more affordable to families than keeping down the federal cost of health care reform. The survey also revealed a sizable gap between what most families consider “affordable” health care coverage and the estimated premium costs of various proposals being considered by Congress.

“In today’s fragile economy, we found that more than four out of ten families have cut back on their household spending as a result of their health care costs,” said Joan Alker, co-executive director of CCF. “Having affordable coverage options was voters’ top priority for health reform.”

Following are key findings from the study:

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