The Center for Children and Families Releases New Report on Medicaid’s Role in Health Care Reform

Washington– Medicaid, a cornerstone of the U.S. healthcare infrastructure, should be maintained, strengthened and integrated with other components of the health care system as part of health reform, according to a research report issued today by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

“Most reform plans, including those advanced by Candidate Obama, Senator Baucus, and the Association of Health Insurance Plans, contemplate that Medicaid will be maintained and expanded in a reformed health care system,” said Joan Alker, Deputy Executive Director of CCF and lead on its Strengthening Medicaid project. “If the goals of health reform are to be met, Medicaid will not only need to be maintained, it must be strengthened and fully integrated with other core components of the health care system. It’s time to give Medicaid the attention and support it deserves.”

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