Media Coverage

NC Residents Get Less From Republican Health Care Plan

Asheville Citizen-Times By: Mark Barrett Federal spending to help lower- and middle-income wage earners buy health insurance would drop dramatically in North Carolina under the health care law winning approval in the U.S. House last week. … But the fact that the risk pool’s books balanced doesn’t mean that those who were covered could balance […]

GOP’s ‘Obamacare’ Replacement Would Put State In Control Of Medicaid Eligibility

Arizona Republic By: Ken Alltucker House Republicans this week pushed through legislation that seeks to dramatically overhaul the government-funded insurance program that covers nearly 2 million low-income and disabled Arizonans. … In Arizona’s initial waiver application, the state said that its proposals would have a “positive effect on budget neutrality” without providing data to back up that claim, according […]

These Are All The People The Republican Health Care Bill Will Hurt

Vox By: Dylan Matthews The actual policies contained in the American Health Care Act — the Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill that the House is voting on Thursday — would help some Americans a lot. The biggest winners are households making $250,000 a year or more, who would see two different taxes targeting them repealed; households with millions in investment income […]