
Overview of Immigrant Eligibility Policies for Health Insurance Affordability Programs

The Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, in partnership with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and the National Immigration Law Center Presented in a Series of Assister Webinars Focusing on Coverage Eligibility and Application Process for Families that Include Immigrants sponsored by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Webinar 1: September […]

A First Look at Uninsured Rate for Children Since Major Affordable Care Act Provisions Took Effect

Georgetown University CCF researchers teamed up with researchers at the Urban Institute to take a first look at how the Affordable Care Act is impacting the uninsured rate for children. The high level data indicate that, so far, there has been no detectable change nationally, although children’s uninsured rates remained at historically low levels. The […]

MACPAC Testimony

Testimony by Tricia Brooks of Georgetown University Center for Children and Families before the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (November, 2013) In 1997, CHIP emerged from the ashes of the prior attempt at health reform. At the time, 5 million uninsured children were eligible but not enrolled in Medicaid, and despite the previous […]

Health Insurance for Immigrant Families

The webinar examines changes in health reform law and regulations that affect the eligibility of immigrants and the access barriers they face, particularly when part of mixed-status families. It also looks at which rules have not changed, showing a snapshot of the landscape of coverage options for immigrant families as of 2013. Download the recording