Press Releases

Leading Child Health Groups Present Key Priorities for SCHIP Reauthorization

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Leading child health organizations — the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), March of Dimes, and the National Association of Children’s Hospitals — joined the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families today to release a report that identifies key issues that must be addressed in reauthorizing the State Children’s Health Insurance Program […]

Congress Has Tools to Move Forward on Children’s Coverage

WASHINGTON—Building on the success of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and Medicaid, Congress has several tools at its disposal to move further ahead on child health coverage, Lisa Dubay, a research and policy adviser at the Center for Children and Families, said today at a congressional hearing. Read the Full Release

Georgetown Researchers Begin Evaluating Florida’s Medicaid Changes

WASHINGTON—Georgetown University Health Policy Institute researchers Joan Alker and Jack Hoadley released the first in a series of issue briefs evaluating the implementation of Florida’s experimental Medicaid waiver program. Funded primarily by the Jessie Ball DuPont Fund, the evaluation is the only comprehensive examination of the Medicaid pilot program that is funded independently of the […]

SCHIP Successfully Covering Children as 10 Year-Anniversary Nears

WASHINGTON—As the 10-year anniversary of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program approaches, Congress will have an opportunity to build on the success that SCHIP, in partnership with Medicaid, has had in decreasing the uninsured rate of lowincome children. “Of all our health care reform efforts, covering children has been resoundingly successful and efficient. Since 1997, […]

Proposed Medicaid Changes Called “Devastating” for Hardworking Families

Washington — The devastating impact of proposed Medicaid changes on America’s most vulnerable citizens was demonstrated today as families and children living with chronic diseases and/or disabilities testified to the vital role Medicaid plays in their lives. At the event, co-sponsored by the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute (CCF) […]