Press Releases

The Center for Children and Families Releases New Report on Medicaid’s Role in Health Care Reform

Washington– Medicaid, a cornerstone of the U.S. healthcare infrastructure, should be maintained, strengthened and integrated with other components of the health care system as part of health reform, according to a research report issued today by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. “Most reform plans, including those advanced by Candidate Obama, Senator Baucus, […]

Statement by Cindy Mann on Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Enactment of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act is a major step toward the goal of assuring that all children and adults have access to quality, affordable healthcare. As America’s families continue to face rising healthcare costs and confront the possibility of unemployment during this economic turmoil, it is essential that we strengthen […]

Statement by Cindy Mann on Senate Approval of SCHIP Reauthorization

“I want to commend Senate Majority Leader Reid, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Baucus and the U.S. Senate for taking very positive action on behalf of America’s uninsured families. As unemployment rises and more and more families lose access to affordable healthcare coverage, it is essential that the federal government take action. During this economic turmoil, […]

Statement by Cindy Mann on House Approval of SCHIP Reauthorization

“I want to commend Speaker Pelosi and the U.S. House of Representatives for taking very positive action on behalf of America’s uninsured families as a first item of business in the new Congress. As unemployment rises and more and more families lose access to affordable healthcare coverage, it is essential that the federal government take […]

Georgetown Report Finds Progress on Children’s Health Care Coverage Threatened by Economy

Washington — Ten years of progress on children’s health care coverage is threatened by increasing unemployment, declining state revenues, and a growing affordability gap between family income and the cost of healthcare coverage, according to a report released today by the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute. “When a parent […]