Press Releases

Georgetown CCF Director Comments on the New Census Data on Uninsured Children

In 2007, the number of uninsured children fell by 500,000 to 8.1 million, according to data released today by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. This progress is a testament to the effectiveness of public programs, which were largely responsible for this movement, and to the strong support nationwide for covering children. In 2006 and […]

Georgetown CCF Director Comments on CMS’s Recent August 17 Directive Announcement

Statement by Cindy Mann, Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute Regarding CMS’s Recent August 17th Directive Announcement The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced that it will, at this time, not take compliance action under the August 17th Directive against the states that […]

West Virginia’s Children Bear Brunt of Medicaid Redesign

Washington – More than 93% of West Virginia children participating in Medicaid have faced health benefit restrictions as a result of the state’s penalty-based “Medicaid Redesign” plan according to a study released today by the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute. West Virginia received federal approval two years ago to […]

Bush Policy “Out of Touch” with Children’s Health Care Needs

Washington — Tens of thousands of children have lost the opportunity of affordable health care coverage under a directive issued by the Bush Administration and more will do so in the months ahead, according to a report released today by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families (CCF). The report is based on a growing […]