Finish Line Evaluations

Since Finish Line was launched in 2007, 1.3 million more children have secured health care coverage bringing the uninsured rate for children to historic lows.

Finish Line

Since Finish Line was launched in 2007, 1.3 million more children have secured health care coverage bringing the uninsured rate for children to historic lows.

Strengthening Medicaid

Georgetown CCF’s Strengthening Medicaid project, which ran from 2007 to 2009, developed fresh approaches to strengthening Medicaid. The project was founded on the recognition that a strong Medicaid program is central to achieving key health care reform goals such as expanding coverage and controlling costs. To that end, the project developed specific recommendations to build […]

Strengthening Medicaid Issue Briefs

Issue Briefs These Strengthening Medicaid issue briefs, which offer new ideas to make the program stronger, are authored by a number of health care experts, including some who bring knowledge and experience from outside fields to the Medicaid context. You can also view the Medicaid section of the website for all CCF publications related to Medicaid. Strengthening […]

2010 Finish Line Flash Editions

Since Finish Line was launched in 2007, 1.3 million more children have secured health care coverage bringing the uninsured rate for children to historic lows.

2009 Finish Line Flash Editions

Since Finish Line was launched in 2007, 1.3 million more children have secured health care coverage bringing the uninsured rate for children to historic lows.