Benefits and Cost Sharing in Separate CHIP Programs

CHIP provides states with options when designing their programs. States can choose to use CHIP funds to expand their Medicaid programs, establish separate CHIP programs, or offer a mix of both types. Within broad federal rules and guidelines, states have considerable flexibility in separate CHIP programs to determine benefit packages. States also can set premium […]

Renewing Medicaid and CHIP Under the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) vision for no wrong-door, streamlined enrollment extends to annual renewals. Ultimately, the process should be highly automated with fewer burdens on enrollees to fill out forms or submit paperwork to prove eligibility. However, the first round of renewals will be more involved because eligibility for children, parents, pregnant women, and […]

Medicaid Provides Needed Access to Care

Medicaid and CHIP significantly improve access to needed health care for the populations they cover. As of June 2011, Medicaid covered 25 million adults and over 32 million children (along with its smaller companion program, CHIP). The fact sheet indicates Medicaid enrollees have comparable access to care as those with private coverage and much better access and fewer […]

Florida’s Medicaid Choice: Options and Implications

In 2013, the Florida Legislature chose not to expand Medicaid to those with incomes below 133% of the federal poverty line. Consequently, Florida today is among 24 states that are not receiving federal Medicaid expansion funding. As the 2014 Legislative session nears, the question of whether to accept the federal Medicaid dollars likely will be debated again. This […]