When Can States Impose Copayments for Non-Emergency Use of ERs?

By Wesley Prater We have been hearing that more states are looking to use copayments to deter non-emergency use of the emergency room for low-income families, so it’s probably a good idea to discuss what the federal rules are and how some states have already been dealing with this issue.  In an effort to try […]

They Got it Right — Finally

By Martha Heberlein The last time you heard from me on state budgets, I was on my soapbox about how the NASBO numbers are frequently taken out of context. For those of you who have missed my ongoing exasperation, here’s a quick recap. When citing statistics about Medicaid in state budgets, it is often misleadingly […]

Medicaid has Responded Successfully to Economic Downturn

By Tara Mancini As our readers know, Medicaid is a public insurance program financed jointly by states and the federal government to assist low-income individuals and families in obtaining health insurance.  Using state specific formulas known as FMAP, the federal government provides at least $1 in matching funds for every $1 spent by states.  During […]