Eliminating Medicaid and CHIP Stability Provisions (MoE): What’s at Stake for Children and Families

The stability in Medicaid and CHIP can be directly attributed to the short-term fiscal relief and the federal requirements that states maintain their eligibility rules and enrollment procedures until broader health reform is implemented. If the stability provisions are rescinded, states could eliminate Medicaid for anyone who is covered at state option, as well as […]

How did Children Fare in President’s Budget?

(Ed. Note: Budget season kicked off last week with the release of President Obama’s FY 2012 budget proposal.  The document outlines the President’s vision for the future by setting funding priorities. Say Ahhh! asked Bruce Lesley of First Focus to share his thoughts on how children and families fared in the President’s budget.)  By Bruce […]

Insight from CBPP on Controversial Amendment to CR

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released an analysis of the impact of an amendment to the continuing resolution that would bar the use of funds to implement any aspect of the Affordable Care Act. The amendment is being offered by Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) to the continuing resolution now on the House floor. […]

CT Governor Helps Kids by Removing Barrier to CHIP Enrollment

By Sharon Langer, Connecticut Voices for Children Although Connecticut – like most states – is facing unprecedented fiscal challenges, and like other northeast neighboring states, challenging wintry conditions, there is some good health care news for children and families coming from the “State of Steady Habits”. Governor Dannel P. Malloy recently announced that Connecticut will implement presumptive eligibility […]

Early Innovators Awarded HHS Health Exchange IT Grants

Drumroll, please! For us techies (or techie-wanna-bes), the waiting is over. And the envelope says…Kansas, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma*, Oregon, Wisconsin and a multi-state consortia consisting of the New England states (sans New Hampshire) are the winners. The awards ranged from a low of $6.3 million for Maryland to a high of $54.6 million for […]

Medicaid and CHIP Stability Protections: Consequences of Repeal

In the past few years, Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) coverage for low-income children and families facing job loss, seniors in need of health and long-term care services, and people with disabilities has held remarkably steady. This is because the Recovery Act and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have ensured that states do […]