

Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Coverage Increase Modestly, but Lower-Income Workers Pay More

By Martha Heberlein The annual Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research and Educational Trust survey of employer health benefits was released today and found that the average premium for family based coverage rose to $15,745, or just 4% compared to 2011 (premiums for individual plans rose 3%). Although moderate, this growth has far out-paced workers wages, which […]

GAO to IRS: Consider the Family Penalty

By Joe Touschner Say Ahhh! readers have heard all about the family penalty—the proposed rule that spouses and children won’t be able to access premium tax credits if employer-sponsored single coverage is affordable for a worker—even if the cost of family coverage would be out of reach. (Note that some also refer to this problem […]

Blended Match Rate Proposal Raises Red Flags

By Jocelyn Guyer Last week just as Representative Cantor was making his dramatic exit from deficit reduction talks with Vice President Biden, rumors started to emerge that the idea of adopting a “blended matching rate” for Medicaid and CHIP was gaining currency.  The Obama Administration first put forth the idea in a deficit reduction proposal […]

Senate Approves Bill to Change ACA’s 1099 Reporting Requirements

The Senate passed H.R. 4 today to remove the Affordable Care Act’s enhanced 1099 reporting requirements.  President Obama has not yet indicated whether or not he will sign the bill into law. The White House supports the bill’s goal of eliminating the enhanced reporting requirements for businesses but has expressed concerns about the offset that was included […]

Congress Acts to Change ACA Subsidy Structure

By Joe Touschner We’re less than a year beyond the passage of the Affordable Care Act and still three full years from the implementation of state exchanges and their federal premium subsidies.  But already Congress has decided to make some significant changes to how the premium tax credits would work and, in the process, could […]