Benefits & Services

More Clarity on When Medicaid is Minimum Essential Coverage

By Joe Touschner Minimum essential coverage (not to be confused with the essential health benefits) is an important concept in the Affordable Care Act.  Those who have minimum essential coverage (MEC) satisfy the individual responsibility requirement, that is, they meet the ACA’s individual mandate to have health insurance.  Those who don’t have MEC other than […]

Emerging Policies on Dental Coverage for Kids

By Joe Touschner With the final rule on EHBs, another on market reforms, and some additional guidance from HHS, we’re getting a clearer picture of how one important set of benefits—dental care—will work for kids in EHB-covered plans next year.  As readers know, those are new private plans in the individual and small group market.  […]

Final Essential Health Benefits Rule Unveiled

By Joe Touschner It’s been a long process involving an in-depth study, state choices, and stakeholder comment on multiple rounds of proposals from HHS, but we now have the final essential health benefits rule.  Along with it came final rules on actuarial value for QHPs and cost-sharing limits in many types of private health coverage. […]

HHS Proposes Official Essential Health Benefit and Insurance Market Regulations

By Joe Touschner While HHS outlined its approach for setting Essential Health Benefits in a Bulletin nearly a year ago, we’ve been waiting for federal regulations to make things official.  This week, those regulations were proposed.  The Department has posted info on the regs at these links: EHB Fact Sheet EHB Proposed Rule We’re still […]