Drug Costs

California Rx: State May Dive Into Generic Drug Market

Kaiser Health News By: Angela Hart and Samantha Young  California is poised to become the first state to develop its own line of generic drugs, targeting soaring drug prices and stepping into a fiercely competitive drug market dominated by deep-pocketed pharmaceutical companies… “Other legislative efforts in Congress and in other states have focused on government […]

CCF Comments to Trump Administration Medicaid Drug Rebate Rule

CCF has submitted public comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the proposed Medicaid drug rebate rule which, among other things, would change how drug manufacturers report “best price” under the effective Medicaid Drug Rebate Program. As I have explained, the proposed rule’s best price reporting changes are intended to facilitate […]

Why the coronavirus drug remdesivir costs $3,100

Vox By: Dylan Scott Remdesivir, the antiviral drug that appears to reduce the recovery time for hospitalized Covid-19 patients, has a price tag: $3,120 for the typical five-day regiment for a patient on private insurance. Gilead, the drug’s manufacturer, announced the news on Monday…. Edwin Park at the Georgetown Center on Children and Families told […]

Short-Term Funding Bill Keeps Government Open, Also Includes Sound Provision Reducing Federal and State Medicaid Drug Costs

On September 29, the President signed into law a fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill (H.R. 4378) that temporarily funds the federal government through November 21.  The bill also includes several short-term extensions of critical health provisions that were scheduled to expire: full Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico and the other territories, a delay in scheduled […]

Senate Finance Committee Considers Bipartisan Bill to Lower Federal and State Medicaid Drug Costs

Editor’s Note: The Senate Finance Committee reported the bill on July 25, 2019 (without substantive changes to its Medicaid provisions.) On Thursday, July 25, the Senate Finance Committee is scheduled to consider bipartisan drug pricing legislation (known as the Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act).  While much of the bill focuses on provisions related to Medicare […]