Eligibility & Enrollment

Early Evidence that ACA Improves Coverage of Hispanics

The CDC survey data released earlier this week provides hope that the ACA can improve coverage rates for Hispanics, a group with persistently high rates of uninsurance.  In the first three months of 2014, the percentage of uninsured Hispanics decreased from 30.3% to 27.2%.  This is particularly hopeful because we know that many more people […]

At Senate Hearing on CHIP, Panelists Warn of Disruption

Yesterday the Senate Finance Committee’s Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on the future of Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), putting the need to extend funding front and center for members of the committee, which has jurisdiction over CHIP and Medicaid. Subcommittee members heard testimony from the following panelists: Bruce Lesley, President, First Focus James […]

What the CPS Says About Our Children’s Well-being

What the CPS Says About Our Children’s Well-being  For background information regarding the 2013 Current Population Survey, please review our blog Data Debrief: Overview of the ACS and CPS. On Tuesday, the US Census Bureau published Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2013, which details the results of the Current Population Survey Annual Social […]

Rural Children Rely on Medicaid and CHIP More than Ever

By Carrie Fitzgerald, First Focus A report released today by First Focus shows that in rural parts of the country, children are covered by public insurance sources (Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP) at a rate higher than their urban counterparts. In 2012, Medicaid and CHIP covered 47 percent of rural children compared to […]