Eligibility & Enrollment

Comparing CHIP with Marketplace Coverage

By Joe Touschner Since it was adopted more than 15 years ago, CHIP has brought quality, affordable coverage to millions of children whose families earn too much to enroll in Medicaid.  This year, with marketplaces now up and running, a new coverage option is available for many families in the same income range—qualified health plans […]

Michigan: Hospitals Seeing Quick Decline in Charity Care Patients after Medicaid Expansion

Two quotes from this article by Judy Packer-Tursman (H/T @jcrosscall) draw attention to the decline in uncompensated care patients less than four months after GOP Governor Rick Snyder’s Michigan-style plan to use federal Medicaid expansion dollars began enrolling people. These are quote from two of the biggest health systems in Michigan: “We’ve seen large numbers of […]

Kaiser Releases Report on Impact of CHIP and Medicaid on Kids

By Keanan Lane September 2015 continues to draw closer, and with it, the question over whether funding for CHIP will be extended.  As the discussion develops into a wider and more hotly contested debate, it will be important to bring out the evidence on how CHIP has proven effective in providing insurance access to children, […]