Eligibility & Enrollment

For DACA Grantees, Health Insurance is (Only) a Dream

By Dinah Wiley [Update:  In August 2022, the Biden administration codified the DACA program in regulation. The regulation did not change health insurance for DACA grantees.  For current information on DACA, visit the National Immigration Law Center.] We receive a lot of questions about the health insurance eligibility of non-citizens with a special Deferred Action status […]

Medicaid Provides Needed Access to Care

Medicaid and CHIP significantly improve access to needed health care for the populations they cover. As of June 2011, Medicaid covered 25 million adults and over 32 million children (along with its smaller companion program, CHIP). The fact sheet indicates Medicaid enrollees have comparable access to care as those with private coverage and much better access and fewer […]

Study Examines Access to Primary Care for New Patients

By Martha Heberlein Much of the focus over the last six months has been on connecting folks to coverage. But once that’s been accomplished, the next question that often (rightfully) pops into people’s minds is whether or not these newly-insured consumers will be able to access care. Scores of studies over the years have consistently […]