Eligibility & Enrollment

GAO Releases Preliminary CHIP Check-In

By Joe Touschner A new study from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) takes an initial look at how CHIP compares to private health coverage for children.  It examined benefits, costs, and access to care in CHIP and made some preliminary comparisons to health plans similar to those offered in marketplaces.  GAO found that CHIP is […]

Many Southern States Miss Opportunity to Address Health Disparities

By Tara Mancini A new report from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured (KCMU) indicates that a little more than half (53%) of uninsured people of color have family income at or below 138% and therefore should qualify for Medicaid in 2014 as the ACA originally intended. Yet, almost a third (30%) of […]

CCF Partners with Urban Institute and Packard on New Health Reform Survey

By Martha Heberlein Today, Health Affairs released a paper detailing a new (and in our opinion a very exciting!) survey – the Health Reform Monitoring Survey (HRMS) – designed by the Urban Institute. This internet-based survey is intended to provide rapid-cycle feedback on changes under the ACA. The goal is to replicate key outcome measures […]