Eligibility & Enrollment

CHIP Lock Outs May Leave Kids Without Premium Tax Credits, Too

By Joe Touschner As Tricia Brooks wrote last week, new rules set limits on how states handle lock out periods for children enrolled in CHIP.  Several states impose a lock out period—a length of time when a child may not receive CHIP coverage—when families fail to pay CHIP premiums.  The new rules limit lock out […]

Children’s Medicaid/CHIP Crowd-Out Estimates by State

A new report by researchers at The Ohio State University College of Public Health finds that wealthier families who are eligible for public insurance are less likely to switch from private to public coverage than families earning less. The authors use ACS data and a regression discontinuity approach to obtain state estimates on how many […]

New Kaiser/Urban Report Highlights the Costs of NOT Extending Medicaid

By Martha Heberlein As many states are nearing or have reached the end of their legislative sessions, it’s a good time to take stock of who will implement the Medicaid expansion and the far-reaching implications of these decisions. Twenty-four states have decided to move forward with the expansion, 21 will not, and 6 continue to […]

Health Reform Rule Will Change Not Stop Income Verification

By Judy Solomon, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities In the last several days, some media coverage has seriously misinterpreted changes to how health reform’s new health insurance marketplaces (formerly called exchanges) will verify that applicants are eligible for federal health insurance subsidies.  The changes to verification procedures, which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) […]