Eligibility & Enrollment

Covering Parents is Good for Kids: How Expanding Medicaid Helps Low-Income Adults

(Editor’s Note: Welcome to the Center for Children and Families’ “Covering Parents is Good for Kids” blog series. Previous blogs on this topic have pointed out that extending Medicaid coverage to parents will provide a good value to states; maternal, infant and early childhood home visiting programs help prevent child maltreatment; covering parents can help depressed mothers get treatment and improve […]

Replacing ARKids First with Exchange Coverage Would Put Children – and Arkansas’s Success – at Risk

Like most health policy folks, I have been watching developments in my home state of Arkansas with much interest.  Recent media reports have discussed interest among state leaders to use Medicaid to purchase plans on the exchange, also known as the marketplace that will make private insurance available to many uninsured Arkansans starting next year […]

Florida Medicaid Expansion – Not Dead Yet

Yesterday, the Florida Senate Select Committee on PPACA voted against a Florida Medicaid expansion on a straight party line vote – a surprise to some since a few Republicans on the committee, including Chairman Negron, had indicated that they were interested in moving forward. Many media sources are reporting that the Medicaid expansion is all […]