Eligibility & Enrollment

Children in Health Reform: Perspective from a California Leader

Wendy Lazarus, Founder and Co-President, The Children’s Partnership As the health reform debate in Congress moves further forward than it ever has before, the potential real-world impacts on children and families are becoming clearer.  Even from 3,000 miles away, those of us in California – home of the nation’s largest and hugely successful CHIP program […]

New Deal on a Public Option — Implications for Children and Families??

By Jocelyn Guyer Details are starting to emerge on what is in the new Senate deal on a public option, but we’re still trying to figure out what it means for low-income children and families.  So far, we know it does not include a Medicaid expansion to 150 percent of the federal poverty level, which […]

Children and Families in Senate Health Reform Bill

While not as riveting as the latest gossip on the White House “party crashers,” the Senate began debate this week on its health reform bill. We have developed a fact sheet of the bill’s key Medicaid, CHIP, and low-income provisions to help you navigate and understand where things stand for children and families. Over the […]