Enrollment Assistance

The Tax Rules that Health Care Assisters Need to Know

By January Angeles, Center of Budget and Policy Priorities “Navigators” and others helping people apply for health coverage need to understand basic tax filing rules because eligibility for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and premium tax credits for coverage bought through federal and state Marketplaces is based on Internal Revenue Code definitions of […]

All Enrollees Should Contact the Marketplace at Renewal

In recent guidance, CMS revealed its plan for the first round of financial eligibility redeterminations and marketplace plan renewals for the millions of people who enrolled in a qualified health plan (QHP) through Healthcare.Gov. A companion notice of proposed rulemaking would provide both the federal and state-based marketplaces additional flexibility as their systems evolve and mature. […]

Seven Steps to Improve Enrollment for the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Community

By Naomi Stark, Georgetown CCF Research Assistant The Affordable Care Act provided an enormous opportunity for coverage of many immigrant and mixed status families eligible for premium tax credits in the health insurance marketplace. However, due to a variety of enrollment barriers, many of those eligible for these critical benefits are unable to enroll.  Action for […]

How Cities Can Reduce the Number of Uninsured Children

By Dawn Schluckebier, National League of Cities After working with 12 cities for the last six months as they developed outreach and enrollment campaigns to increase enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP, we are excited to announce that we have selected 8 cities to continue on to the third and final implementation phase of our Cities Expanding Health Access for […]

Open Enrollment – Take 2

The next Marketplace open enrollment will be part sequel and part new production! With a mere 166 days until show time, there’s much to be done to get ready for the next curtain call on November 15, 2014. First, a look back is in order because there’s nothing like a full dress rehearsal to learn […]