Enrollment Assistance

Proposed Rule Offers Relief from Over-Reaching State Navigator Laws that Restrict Consumer Assistance

Last week, CMS issued a proposed rule that describes some of the circumstances in which state laws have overstepped their bounds and interfere with the important work of navigators, non-navigator assisters and certified application counselors (collectively known as assisters). The proposed rule, coupled with the recent court ruling in Missouri that federal law preempts state […]

Individual Responsibility—What are the Rules?

By Joe Touschner With the end of open enrollment approaching, it’s a good time to review some of the rules surrounding the ACA’s individual responsibility requirement, or individual mandate.  Overall, the individual mandate is intended to impose a tax penalty on those who have access to affordable health coverage yet choose to go uninsured for […]

Google Maps Can Help Advocates Target Outreach Efforts

By Tara Mancini Knowing where the uninsured children are is the first step toward connecting them with coverage. In our November brief on children’s health insurance coverage, we named the 20 counties with the highest number of uninsured children. I’ve uploaded all of the 1-year and 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) data into Google maps so that you can […]