Enrollment Assistance

Navigator Assister Training Outline

This comprehensive outline for navigators and other types of assisters was developed to inform the scope of training that is being developed at both the federal and state level to prepare navigators and other assisters to connect consumers to existing and expanded coverage options un the Affordable Care Act.

Tech Tuesday: CMS Option Provides States with a Powerful Outreach Tool

By Shelby Gonzales, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Connecting families to health coverage and other benefits requires comprehensive and strategic outreach.  Getting people to sign up is hard work, and it often takes time to make measurable gains in enrollment. One strategy has been extremely effective in enrolling eligible children. Using information available from […]

CMS Releases Guidance on Alternative Application

By Martha Heberlein The ACA requires states to use a single, streamlined application to determine eligibility for all health insurance affordability programs. Back in April, CMS released the model application that they will use in the federally-facilitated marketplaces (FFM). States can either adopt this for their own use or can use an alternative application that […]

Tech Tuesday: Survey of State CIOs Provides Insight on State Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment Systems

This weekend, the final 100-day countdown to open enrollment begins. Will state Medicaid eligibility and enrollment systems be ready? Results from a recent survey published by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) indicate that 72% of the 26 states and/or territories that responded […]