

Senator Rockefeller Writes Against Repeal of the Stability Protections

By Jocelyn Guyer Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) sent a letter to his colleague Senator Hatch (R-UT) last week outlining his grave concerns about Hatch’s recently introduced bill to repeal the stability protections (“or maintenance-of-effort requirement”) in Medicaid and CHIP.   The letter — the latest in a series of Rockefeller efforts to protect health programs for low-income people […]

Finance Committee Holds Hearing on Medicaid and Medicare

By Martha Heberlein As negotiations stalled on addressing the debt ceiling and ongoing budget deficits, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing today on the long-term sustainability of Medicare and Medicaid. While much of the focus was on Medicare, Medicaid also played a prominent role, especially around proposals to block grant the program. In response […]

Massive Declines in Enrollment Predicted Under a Medicaid Block Grant

By Martha Heberlein A recent study from the folks at the Urban Institute provides state-by-state enrollment projections under the House budget plan. I don’t think any regular Say Ahhh! readers will be surprised to learn that the news isn’t good. Under the plan, there will be a 44% reduction in federal Medicaid funds, including spending […]

Senators Stand Shoulder-to-Shoulder to Defend Medicaid

Yesterday, Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) announced that 41 senators would stand strong and support Medicaid during the ongoing budget deficit and debt ceiling negotiations.  This is welcome news given the increased focus on Medicaid lately as the potential source of savings to rein in the deficit and cut a deal on the debt ceiling.  All […]