

Medicaid Block Grant Would Leave States Holding the Bag

By Edwin Park, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities In a previous post, I explained why block-granting Medicaid or otherwise capping its funding is no solution to rising costs.  It’s also a really bad deal for states, as a report CBPP released on February 23 explains.  A block grant would shift significant financial risks and costs […]

Tapping State Ingenuity to Streamline Access to Benefits

Today, families in need of child care assistance, health coverage and food assistance often have to apply to three different agencies, providing pretty much the same information and documents to each of them. All the while, different eligibility workers handle this information to determine the family’s eligibility separately for each program. Placing such redundant and […]

How did Children Fare in President’s Budget?

(Ed. Note: Budget season kicked off last week with the release of President Obama’s FY 2012 budget proposal.  The document outlines the President’s vision for the future by setting funding priorities. Say Ahhh! asked Bruce Lesley of First Focus to share his thoughts on how children and families fared in the President’s budget.)  By Bruce […]

Insight from CBPP on Controversial Amendment to CR

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities released an analysis of the impact of an amendment to the continuing resolution that would bar the use of funds to implement any aspect of the Affordable Care Act. The amendment is being offered by Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT) to the continuing resolution now on the House floor. […]