Lessons from the Pandemic: Children’s Coverage Improvements

As readers of SayAhhh! know, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment is at an all-time high with close to 86 million people – covering half of the country’s children. Children and adults on Medicaid are protected by the continuous coverage provision including in the Families First Act (link to explainer) that prevents states from disenrolling anyone involuntarily. […]

Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Policies as of January 2022: Findings from a 50-State Survey

Executive Summary Enrollment in Medicaid has grown significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Provisions in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) require states to provide continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees until the end of the month in which the public health emergency (PHE) ends in order to receive enhanced federal funding. Continuous enrollment has helped to preserve […]

CMS Releases New Guidance on Unwinding the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Requirement

Yesterday, CMS released additional guidance and tools for states and Medicaid stakeholders on resuming routine operations when the Medicaid continuous coverage provision is lifted at the end of the public health emergency (PHE). While the State Health Official (SHO) reinforces prior guidance, it also provides new content and emphasizes the importance of protecting enrollees from […]