Analysis: 3 Million Would Gain Coverage if ALL States Expanded Medicaid

By Sean Miskell On the eve of a midterm election that has seen state policy makers reconsidering their opposition to Medicaid expansion, an analysis conducted by the New York Times finds that 3 million more would gain coverage if all states expanded Medicaid. This finding highlights the importance role that state policy makers can play […]

Arkansas Proposes Unwelcome Changes to the Private Option

Last week, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Georgetown CCF and 15 other national and state groups submitted comments to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services outlining concerns with proposed changes to the state’s Section 1115 Medicaid waiver which authorizes the state’s Medicaid expansion – known as the “private option.” We expressed […]

Tracking Medicaid Enrollment and Spending

By Joe Touschner Each year, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured reports on the findings from its survey of budgets and enrollment among state Medicaid programs. (The budget survey is not to be confused with the Kaiser-Georgetown CCF survey of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility and enrollment policies coming in January). This year’s edition […]