Pennsylvania Becomes 28th State to Expand Medicaid, Governor Compromises on Many of His Requests….

As readers of Say Ahhh! know, we have been closely watching the path of Governor Corbett’s proposal for Pennsylvania Medicaid expansion known as “Healthy PA.” Today, the governor received official approval for his Medicaid Section 1115 Research and Demonstration proposal. Pennsylvania becomes the 28th state (including DC) to expand Medicaid. I have blogged previously about […]

Indiana Medicaid Expansion Waiver Not Yet Open for Public Comment

The federal government did not certify Indiana’s Section 1115 Medicaid Research and Demonstration waiver to expand its Healthy Indiana program as complete and open for public comment because the state did not conduct the required tribal consultation with the Potowatomi Indians. The waiver request can be seen here. We along with our partners at the […]