CMS Shines Light on the Secret Lives of Medicaid Waivers

Just as Yelp has saved us from many a bad meal, the new Medicaid “Idea Factory” has the potential to protect us from bad health policy decisions.  The idea behind the “Idea Factory” is to infuse more transparency into the process and elicit greater public input into important health policy decisions.  In my view, nowhere […]

Wisconsin’s 1115 Waiver Approved – Bad News/Good News

By Wesley Prater Medicaid waivers have been a very hot topic lately!  Just take a look at my colleague Joan Alker’s blog on recent action around waivers.  You may have heard that CMS recently approved Wisconsin’s 1115 waiver for the state’s BadgerCare program.  Most of the changes will affect adults with incomes over 133% of the […]

Waiver Frenzy

Interesting events have kept Medicaid waiver watchers very busy in the last week. On Friday April 27th final regulations creating new requirements for state and federal public process to allow for public input when Medicaid waivers are developed and considered went into effect. A summary I did with Samantha Artiga at Kaiser Commission on Medicaid […]