Dropping Out of Medicaid? Wyoming Has Taken a Look at the Consequences

By Martha Heberlein An idea has been floating about suggesting that states that don’t want to comply with the new Medicaid provisions will simply “opt out” of the program. While much of the recent chatter has centered on Texas, Governor Freudenthal of Wyoming asked his Department of Health to examine the issue back in March. […]

Waiver Watchers – We Need You More Than Ever

One of the consequences of the election, I believe, is that given the significant number of opponents of health care reform who were elected as Governors and/or Insurance Commissioners, we are going to see more “waiver” proposals. Even before the election, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) was talking up the prospect of seeking legislation to allow […]

Calling All Medicaid ‘Waiver Watchers’

I know you’re out there because our blog editor assures me that “section 1115 waiver” is one of the top 50 search terms leading readers to Say Ahhh! As I blogged about a few weeks ago, CMS recently released proposed regulations as required by ACA that establish a more robust public notice and comment process […]