ACA Days of Summer

By Sandy Ahn, Center on Health Insurance Reforms Ahhh, summer. Baseball. Watermelon. Court decisions on Obamacare. Summer seems to be the season for head scratching court decisions about one of the most politically divisive laws in the last decade, if not the 21st century. It was only two summers ago that the Supreme Court opinion in NFIB v. […]

Seven Steps to Improve Enrollment for the Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Community

By Naomi Stark, Georgetown CCF Research Assistant The Affordable Care Act provided an enormous opportunity for coverage of many immigrant and mixed status families eligible for premium tax credits in the health insurance marketplace. However, due to a variety of enrollment barriers, many of those eligible for these critical benefits are unable to enroll.  Action for […]

New Report Finds Consumers are Receiving Improved Protections in Individual Market

By the Center on Health Insurance Reforms Staff The Affordable Care Act includes numerous consumer protections designed to remedy shortcomings in the availability, affordability, adequacy, and transparency of individual market insurance.  However, because states continue to be the primary regulators of health insurance and implementers of these requirements, consumers are likely to experience some of […]

How Cities Can Reduce the Number of Uninsured Children

By Dawn Schluckebier, National League of Cities After working with 12 cities for the last six months as they developed outreach and enrollment campaigns to increase enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP, we are excited to announce that we have selected 8 cities to continue on to the third and final implementation phase of our Cities Expanding Health Access for […]

Real People and a Medicaid Myth

There is a bizarre health care myth that continues to make the rounds without any basis in fact.  Those opposed to Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act continue to make the false claim that somehow enrolling people in health coverage under Medicaid is bad for an individual’s health and it is much better to […]