For DACA Grantees, Health Insurance is (Only) a Dream

By Dinah Wiley [Update:  In August 2022, the Biden administration codified the DACA program in regulation. The regulation did not change health insurance for DACA grantees.  For current information on DACA, visit the National Immigration Law Center.] We receive a lot of questions about the health insurance eligibility of non-citizens with a special Deferred Action status […]

Florida’s Obamacare Alternative: After Six Years is This the Best They CanDo?

An insurance exchange opened last month in Florida, and it’s called “Florida Health Choices,” but it doesn’t offer consumers or small businesses actual health insurance.  Instead, the only products consumers can buy on the site are called “supplemental” insurance products, designed to supplement, but not replace, traditional health insurance. These products don’t meet any of […]

Two States On the Path to the Basic Health Program

Both Minnesota and New York are on the path to setting up a Basic Health Program (BHP) that will provide more affordable coverage for low-income families than they may find on the marketplace.  Minnesota passed BHP legislation that was signed into law in May 2013.  In New York, BHP was included in the Governor’s budget […]