Kaiser Report Finds More Than 5 Million Will Fall Into Coverage Gap Created by States Failing to Expand Medicaid

A federally-funded Medicaid option for more uninsured adults is an important cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act, however, an estimated 5,161,820 uninsured individuals will be left behind because they live in states that have not yet accepted the Medicaid expansion option.  Those who fall into the gap earn too much to qualify under their state’s […]

New Urban Paper Compares Eligibility for Assistance Across States

By Martha Heberlein Some exciting new state-by-state data from the Urban Institute gives states a better sense of how many people might be eligible for and enroll in the expanded coverage options under the ACA, finding that more than 25 million uninsured are eligible for some sort of assistance securing coverage. As expected, there’s large […]

How Will Immigrants Fare Under Health Reform? Encouraging Enrollment

By Dinah Wiley Immigrants who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP, compared to their citizen counterparts, are less likely to sign up for health coverage.  Why is this so?  It’s true that newcomers to the U.S. are more healthy than native-born Americans, for a few years at least.  Yet when immigrants are offered private insurance […]