New Kaiser/Urban Report Highlights the Costs of NOT Extending Medicaid

By Martha Heberlein As many states are nearing or have reached the end of their legislative sessions, it’s a good time to take stock of who will implement the Medicaid expansion and the far-reaching implications of these decisions. Twenty-four states have decided to move forward with the expansion, 21 will not, and 6 continue to […]

Health Reform at Work – Lower Rates in New York

By Christine Monahan, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms New Yorkers currently or considering purchasing coverage in the individual market woke up to exciting news today: premiums in 2014 are expected to be cut by more than half.  And that’s for the most generous coverage on the market. New Yorkers will also be able to purchase […]

More Info on Individual Mandate Exemptions

By Joe Touschner The Affordable Care Act’s employer responsibility and individual responsibility requirements have been much discussed since the Administration announced its decision to delay reporting and penalties for the employer requirement for a year.  The individual responsibility requirement, however, is still on track to go into effect in January and recent rules and guidance […]

ACA Reforms Free Up Entrepreneurs to Focus on Their Work

By JoAnn Volk, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms Ever dream about getting out of the rat race and putting your talent and creativity to work helping others?  That’s just what Joe and Virginia Murphy did.  But they had to give up the security of the health care coverage that came with Joe’s job […]