Figuring Out Premium Tax Credits

By Joe Touschner [For more up-to-date information on figuring out premium tax credits, visit Consumer Reports health tax credit tool or state specific brochures.  Kaiser Family Foundation has also updated its subsidy calculator.] Insurers have been filing small group and non-group rates in several states recently, leading to claims and counter-claims about whether the ACA […]

Navigator and Assister Training Is Not a One Shot Deal

Now that both state-based and the federally-facilitated marketplaces are well on their way to recruiting and selecting navigators, attention turns to training and support.  Effective training is critical to ensuring that the needs of consumers, particularly low-income, hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations, are met. But training is only one element of creating and supporting a high-functioning […]

Five Strategies to Make it Easier to Enroll in Medicaid and CHIP Coverage

By Martha Heberlein In case you missed it, it was a beautiful day in Washington on Friday and some exciting news from CMS made the day all the brighter – a State Health Official letter they released provides states with some tools to enroll eligible folks more efficiently. Understanding that states will be facing the […]