Final Treasury Rule Contains Family Penalty

By Joe Touschner In a move that will keep many children out of subsidized exchange coverage, the Department of Treasury today released a final rule that includes the “family penalty” in the Affordable Care Act’s premium tax credits. (Note that this problem is also frequently referred to as the “family glitch” or “firewall”). We’ve been […]

Why Should Health Insurance Exchanges Drive Higher-Quality Health Care?

By Sarah Dash, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms Do you remember the last time you had a headache and your doctor used leeches to restore you to good health? Fortunately, neither do I.  That’s because the practice of bloodletting – the most common surgical procedure for almost two thousand years because it was thought to improve health […]

Getting Into Gear for 2014: Findings from a 50-State Survey of Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal, and Cost-Sharing Policies in Medicaid and CHIP, 2012-2013

As 2013 begins, implementation of the major provisions of the ACA, including its coverage expansions, is less than a year away. Following the Supreme Court ruling to uphold the ACA and the 2012 elections, efforts to prepare for 2014 are moving into high gear in many states. The majority of states are capitalizing on web-based […]

How Will Families Fare with the Workplace Wellness Rule?

By JoAnn Volk, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms Improving one’s health usually makes the top ten list for New Year’s resolutions so as we all hit that make or break time on our personal resolutions, let’s take a moment to focus on the proposed workplace wellness rules. The Departments of Health and Human […]

HHS Launches Exchange Outreach Efforts & Opens the ‘Health Insurance Marketplace’

Sarah Dash, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms This week, the Department of Health and Human Services began a major push to educate the public about the new health insurance options available to them under the Affordable Care Act, including the newly-named Health Insurance Marketplace (formerly known as the “Federally Facilitated Exchange.”) With just under nine months to […]