Medicaid Is Rural America’s Financial Midwife

Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health News ZANESVILLE, Ohio — Brianna Foster, 23, lives minutes away from Genesis Hospital, the main source of health care and the only hospital with maternity services in southeastern Ohio’s rural Muskingum County. Proximity proved potentially lifesaving last fall when Foster, pregnant with her second child, Holden, felt contractions at 31 weeks — […]

Study Documents How Medicaid Expansion Helps Keep Rural Hospitals Open

Comprehensive research in the journal Health Affairs was recently published looking at the effect of state Medicaid expansions on hospital closures. Focusing on especially rural hospitals, the authors conducted a comprehensive and sophisticated analysis, finding: “[T]he ACA’s Medicaid expansion was associated with improved hospital financial performance and substantially lower likelihoods of closure, especially in rural […]

Research: Medicaid Expansions Help Parents, Children and Families Get Coverage, Afford Care, Reduce Debt

Recently Seema Verma, the Trump Administration’s director of Medicare and Medicaid, said that Medicaid provides “a card without care.” This line echoes state critics of Medicaid like Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin who recently said: “One of the most remarkable lies that has perpetrated in recent years in the healthcare community in America is that expanded […]

Research: Coverage and Medicaid Expansion Effects on Parents and Children

Comprehensive Overview of Multiple Studies The Effects of Medicaid Expansion under the ACA: Updated Findings from a Literature Review A 2017 update of the broadest review currently published, this comprehensive look at 153 studies comparing Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states finds dramatic differences based on state Medicaid expansion decisions including huge reductions in uncompensated care […]